IN MY OPINION: We Eat Way Too Much Meat
Hey Foodies, Since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown, and half of the world's adult population being deprived of receiving a steady income, we've all had to think about how best to stretch out our finances. We now have to think long and hard about what we purchase and if we can afford it. This also includes our biggest and most important Many of us have to debate on what food is necessary and what is not. However, I still see people filling their trolleys with sweets and bright coloured processed food. And people are still buying a ton of meat; one of the most expensive food items in South Africa. I watched a video made by a YouTuber named Young Pharaoh, and he was talking about how some of the food that we eat leave parasites in our bodies that then influence the host to eat more of that food. Please watch the video because he explains it more eloquently than I ever could. I am convinced that this is true because South Africans are still spending insane...